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Access-to-MySQL 5.1

Access-to-MySQL Access-to-MySQL 5.1

Screenshots of Access-to-MySQL

Access-to-MySQL Publisher's Description

Access-to-MySQL is a program to move MS Access databases to MySQL server. Key features:
(1) all versions of MS Access (including MS Access 2007) are supported;
(2) all versions of Unix/Linux and Windows MySQL servers are supported
(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes;
(4) converts relationships between tables;
(5) option to merge MS Access data into an existing MySQL database;
(6) option to export MS Access databases into a dump file;
(7) option to convert partial data using SELECT-queries;
(8) converts password protected MS Access databases;
(9) converts databases protected with MS Access user-level security;
(10) stores conversion settings into profile;
(11) option to synchronize MySQL database with MS Access data;
(12) support for Unicode;
(13) command line support;
(14) Quick Launch

What's New in Version 5.1 of Access-to-MySQL

data synchronization, Quick Lauch

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